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Logos - časopis za filozofiju i religiju, Vol. 8, br. 1, 2020
Religion and Political Parties in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Elma Huruz Memović


The victory of ethno - nationalist parties in the 1990 elections was substantially encouraged by the activities of religious institutions. Since then, there has been an evident interweaving of the religious - confessional and national - political spheres, with the prominent role of religious leaders in the processes of legitimizing political and party leaders. Religious institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina have been more or less instrumentalised by ethnic political elites in order to establish ethnic homogenization. In this text, we will analyze the complex relationship between religion and politics in Bosnia and Herzegovina, primarily by analyzing statutes and programs of political parties that are most relevant according to their political and social engagement in contemporary Bosnian- Herzegovinian reality.

Key words: religion, political parties, religious institutions, ethnic political elites