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Logos - časopis za filozofiju i religiju, Vol. 8, br. 1, 2020
Capitalisation as Religion
Marijan Krivak


What is the fate of philosophy in the age when the thought »is not in fashion«, and is not recommended neither? What is, then, the fate of theology in the age of widespreded religisation, i.e. de-secularization? There is no promising answer to these questions at sight for philosophers, as well as for theologists. But… is there a question that is more challenging in the age of overall corruption of the »philosophical«, the »theological«, and then the »political« itself? We are revisiting the thought of Walter Benjamin and his fragment »Capitalism as Religion« (1921). This is a part of his legacy that preserves revolutionary, messianic spirit of his philosophy (or, is it a part of his theology?). Sometimes, it could be reckoned that, in his case, we speak about »anti-philosophy«!? The heritage of Benjamin’s thought should serve us as some kind of plaidoyer for philosophy’s and theology’s redemption, by tracing something as post-metapysical politics. The paper follows the need of their interconnection, besides/beyond political theology.

Keywords: capitalism, religion, Walter Benjamin, political theology

Kapitalizam kao religija
Marijan Krivak


Kakav je usud filozofije u doba kada misliti nikako »nije u modi«, a nije ni preporučljivo? Koja je, pak, sudbina teologije u vrijeme sveopće medijske religizacije, tj. de-sekularizacije? Nema nekog obećavajuća odgovora kako za filozofe, tako ni za teologe. Ali... ima li nam izazovnijeg pitanja u doba sveopće korumpiranosti filozofijskog, teološkog – pa i onog »političkog«? U ovome se napisu, vraćamo misli Waltera Benjamina i njegova pregnantnog fragmenta »Kapitalizam kao religija« (1921.).1 Dio je to autorove ostavštine koji zadržava onaj revolucionarni, mesijanski duh njegove filozofije (ili je možda, ipak, riječ o teologiji?). Ponekad bi se moglo pomisliti da se ovdje, zapravo, radi o »anti-filozofiji«.2 Duhovno nasljeđe pokušaja mišljenja na Benjaminovu tragu trebao bi biti plaidoyer za skupno sebeotkupljenje filozofije i teologije, a na tragu jedne post-metafizičke politike. Tekst slijedi potrebu njihove povezanosti, onkraj političke teologije.

Ključne riječi: kapitalizam, religija, Walter Benjamin, politička teologija