In this paper, we discuss sociological and philosophical limits of the theories and thesis on the religion and secularization as most important legacies of modernity within the frame of radical transformation of the “glocal” (Bauman) social reality inside the 21. century. The paper articulates the thesis that with the establishment of the secular society, which is within the context of the “secular constitution” (Asad), the repression of the “Sacred” was not achieved. The “Sacred” is being differentiated on a semantical, ontological and normative-epistemological level from the term “religion” within the contemporary sociological theories of religion, and equally tied with the diegesis of secular religions as functional equivalents for the traditional religious groups within the 21. century societies. The paper questions the “self-understanding” thesis of the so called secular social practices in modern Western societies as conditio sine qua non assumption for constitution of social ontology (John R. Searle).
Keywords: religion, sacred, civil/political religions, secular social practices, normative social practices