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Logos - časopis za filozofiju i religiju, Vol. 8, br. 1, 2020
The Implications of Religion Mediatization: Transformation, Hybridization and Spectacularization
Zarfa Hrnjić Kuduzović


A significant agent in shaping perceptions of religious values and practices are conventional and online media. The media is also considered to be one of the factors that influenced the secularization of European societies in the 20th century. The role of the media in religion and the religious is not new to the digital age, since the media have been used for centuries to represent and spread religious views. Yet in the digital age, the relationship between religion and the media is being transformed. The media are not only a means of mediating religious messages and symbols, they are interpreters that situate the religious in a capitalist, secular context. The media representation of religion also influences the transformation of the role of religious institutions and practices in contemporary society. With the expansion of online media, there is growing concern that the media may distance religous people from institutionalized religion (Campbell and Calderon, 2007). The paper questions the consequences of the media representation of religion in digital society. The focus is on the relocating religious authorities in the digital environment, as well as on hybridizing religious and secular symbols in media formats, and adapting the spiritual values to market imperatives of the media industry.

Key words: religion mediation, digital media, transformation, spectacularization

Implikacije medijizacije religije: transformacija, hibridizacija, spektakularizacija
Zarfa Hrnjić Kuduzović


Značajan agens u oblikovanju percepcija religijskih vrijednosti i praksi su konvencionalni i mrežni mediji. Uloga medija u religiji i religijskom nije novus imanentan digitalnom dobu budući da se mediji vijekovima koriste za predstavljanje i širenje religijskih stajališta. Ipak, u digitalnom dobu, odnos religije i medija se transfomiše. Mediji nisu samo sredstvo posredovanja religijskih poruka i simbola, nego su njihovi interpretatori situirajući ih u kapitalistički, sekularni kontekst. Medijska reprezentacija religijskog utječe i na transformaciju uloge religijskih institucija i praksi u savremenom društvu. S ekspanzijom mrežnih medija raste i zabrinutost da bi oni mogli udaljiti vjernike od institucionalizovane religije (Campbell i Calderon, 2007). Rad propituje konsekvence medijske reprezentacije religije u digitalnom društvu. U fokusu su relociranje religijskih autoriteta u digitalnom okruženju, hibridizacija religijskih i sekularnih simobola u medijskim formatima, te prilagođavanje duhovnog tržišnim imperativima medijske industrije.

Ključne riječi: medijizacija religije, mrežni mediji, transformacija, spektakularizacija