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Logos - časopis za filozofiju i religiju, Vol. 11, br. 1, 2023
Prejudice against muslims in Icelandic society
Anes Makul, International Burch University, University of Sarajevo and Šejla Zahirović, International Burch University, University of Sarajevo



In this text, we investigate how Islamophobia manifests itself in Iceland, and its causes. This phenomenon in Iceland cannot be seen as an isolated act, but as part of a wider process that is also visible in other countries with a democratic system. One-sided information about Islam and Muslims creates fertile ground for actions against Muslims that result in Islamophobic rhetoric, physical attacks on members of that religion, and the creation of humiliating policies toward members of the Muslim religious community. The paper first presents the phenomenon of Islamophobia in Iceland, and the examples recorded in the media and official reports. In the following, we analyze the causes based on ten semi-structured interviews with politicians, academics and civil society activists.


Key words:  Iceland, Islamophobia, Islam, Muslims, Migrations


Predrasude prema muslimanima u islandskom društvu
Anes Makul, International Burch University, University of Sarajevo i Šejla Zahirović, International Burch University, University of Sarajevo



U ovom tekstu istražujemo na koji način se islamofobija manifestira na Islandu, te njene uzroke. Ova pojava na Islandu se ne može posmatrati kao izolirano djelo, već kao dio šireg procesa koji je vidljiv i u drugim zemljama s demokratskim uređenjem. Jednostrane informacije o islamu i muslimanima stvaraju plodno tlo za djelovanje prema muslimanima koje rezultira u islamofobnoj retorici, fizičkim napadima na pripadnike te religije, te kreiranje ponižavajućih politika prema pripadnicima muslimanke vjerske zajednice. U radu je prvo predstavljena pojava islamofobije na Islandu, te primjeri, koji su zabilježeni u medijima i zvaničnim izvještajima. U nastavku analiziramo uzroke na osnovu deset polustruktuiranih intervjua s političarima, akademskim radnicima i aktivistima civilnog društva.

Ključne riječi: Island, islamofobija, islam, muslimani, migracije