In this essay, the author discusses the most recent literary thematics of Islam, the Qur’an, Muslims and Muslim societies in the twenty-first century. In sketch form, this essay focuses on a bibliographical review of the most significant books that have appeared in the topics of Islam, the Qur’an, Muslims and Muslim societies in Europe, the West in general, and the Middle East. The author notes that the scientific thematization of these large areas of research has retained the most important methodological characteristics of the studies that were done during the second half of the th century.
Keywords: world, Islam, Qur’an, Muslims, Muslim societies, trends in the interpretation of Islam, ideological interpretations, modernity
U ovom eseju autor raspravlja o najnovijim knjiškim tematiziranjima islama, Kurʼāna, muslimana i muslimanskih društava u XXI stoljeću. Esej se u vidu skice fokusira na bibliografski pregled najznačajnijih knjiga koje su se o temama islama, Kurʼāna, muslimana i muslimanskih društava pojavile u Evropi, na Zapadu općenito, te na Bliskom istoku. Autor konstatira da su naučna tematiziranja ovih velikih područja istraživanja zadržala najvažnije metodološke karakteristike studija koje su urađene tokom druge polovine XX stoljeća.
Ključne riječi: svijet, islam, Kurʼān, muslimani, muslimanska društva, trendovi tumačenja islama, ideološka tumačenja, modernost